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Cause-oriented hypnosis

Cause-oriented hypnosis

'Hypnose kann das Nutzen von Fähigkeiten und Potentialen erleichtern, die in einem Menschen bereits existieren, aber aufgrund mangelnden Zugangs oder Verständnisses ungenutzt bleiben.'

Milton H. Erickson

Efficient and lasting changes

Possible areas of application


fears and phobias

Many fears stem from past events. They haunt us in the present to protect us from a past experience. They mean well but limit our freedom and joy in life. Since they arise in the mind, hypnosis is particularly suitable for dealing with them. In hypnosis, the subconscious learns to free itself from the triggers of the fears.


Schlafstörungen & Stress Management

Lack of sleep often leads to other problems. Health and well-being become unstable. Anger, despair and frustration spread, but nothing helps. The problem gets bigger and bigger without ever being able to identify a cause. In hypnosis we uncover the origin of the insomnia and solve it.


Weight loss, addictions & smoking cessation

Addictions control our lives like a ruler. Life is geared towards satisfying our addictions at certain points. However, the need is never truly satisfied. In hypnosis, we are able to recognize who or what we have given control of our lives to. We remember that we have free will and can break undesirable behavioral patterns. We take our lives back into our own hands.


Verlustschmerz & Beziehungsprobleme

In every relationship, two people from two different worlds come together. Relationship problems arise from previous experiences, learned beliefs and unfulfilled needs. With hypnosis, you can free yourself from old burdens, generational trauma and beliefs that stand in the way of your relationship, and your needs and boundaries will be defined more clearly.


Chronic Problems & Allergies

Hypnosis often comes into effect where other healing methods no longer produce results. It focuses on the root of the problem rather than on our symptoms. In the deeply relaxed state of hypnosis, self-healing powers can be activated and a better quality of life can be restored.

Zu Hause studieren


Are you longing for a sustainable, highly effective realignment? Do you need uncomplicated and effective support with your individual challenges?

Fears, sleep disorders, insecurity, stress, addictions, lack of self-confidence, relationship problems and chronic physical complaints cause the most problems for many of us. Sometimes it is an undigested event from the past or an unresolved loss that haunts us in the present and prevents us from shaping our future with confidence. Cause-oriented hypnosis tackles problems at their root and thus enables effective and lasting change.

Cause-oriented hypnosis offers a quick solution to many problems.

Hypnosis is a fascinating technique that has been used for centuries. It can have therapeutic benefits and is also used as a method for quitting smoking, treating pain, as an alternative to conventional anesthesia, during childbirth, and improving sports performance.

Hypnosis can be a great help in many difficult situations or phases of life.

As a hypnosis coach, I help you to find your own solutions to your individual challenges quickly and efficiently with the help of cause-oriented hypnosis.

What can you achieve with hypnosis coaching?

Hypnosis is a highly effective, natural approach to overcoming personal challenges. Through the amazing power of hypnosis, we can tackle mental and physical obstacles and achieve lasting change that allows us to bring our lives back into their own balance. With a deep understanding of the human mind and the ability of how our feelings create reality, we can decisively influence and change physical and emotional states even in the deeply relaxed state of hypnosis.

Then you have the following options
  1. Book a free preliminary consultation

  2. Book an initial session

  • Das Erstgespräch (Dauer ca. 1,5 – 2h) beinhaltet:
    Ein ausführliches Vorgespräch über Ihre aktuelle Situation, Ihre Erwartungen und Wünsche, sowie eine ausführliche Erklärung zur Hypnose Eine Entspannungshypnose, damit Sie diesen natürlichen Zustand kennenlernen und neue Kraft auftanken können
  • Die eigentliche Sitzung (Dauer 1 - 3 Stunden)
    Ein kurzes Vorgespräch zur Klärung Ihres Themas Das zielorientierte Hypnose-Coaching mit Fokus auf Ihr Anliegen
Chat with us
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  • On-line

  • In person in the seminar house in Remetschwiel in the Black Forest near Waldshut, Freiburg, Titisee, Basel and Zurich.

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  • First session: 120 €

  • Follow-up sessions: 80 € per hour, time is charged per quarter hour

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  • Prescription: 1.5 - 2 hours

  • Follow-up sessions: 1 - 3 hours

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Application Fields
  • Sleep disorders, fears, phobias, stress, chronic problems, allergies, lack of self-confidence, quitting smoking, addictions, losses and much more.



The right tools change everything.
If you are tired of not achieving anything,
let me help!

Experience a transformative hypnosis session starting at 80 euros that can help you access your subconscious and bring about positive changes.

Karlheinz Schwer

I have become more relaxed overall. I am also no longer as reactive to things outside that my mind declares to be negative. I used parts of the session and put together a hypnosis session using an affirmation app, which I use 2-3 times a day. Sometimes only for 5 minutes. It always brings me back to a relaxed state very well.

Mira Baumgartner

Julika has such a wise heart, such a clever mind and what feels like thousands of years of meditation experience. She weaves together the wisdom of so many different directions. Unbelievable. It is a pure enrichment to work with her.

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