The Wise Heart
8 week online mindfulness course
"Mindfulness" and "Embodied Presence" refer to the art of being fully present with what is. I like to think of mindfulness as a powerful key to becoming a true human being because it teaches us how to breathe with the mysterious pulse that is life as it flows through us right in this moment. And not only that. Have you ever heard the phrase "What you feel you can heal?" Embodied presence has an incredibly healing and soothing effect on our bodies and psyches. It is a peace process of letting go of being at war with ourselves and life, realizing the richness of one instant and letting that teach us from the inside out.
It opens us to the wealth we already have within: resilience, inner strenght, clarity, wisdom, insight, patience, compassion, care as well as ways to direct love towards those aspects in our lives which deeply long for our care and attention but are too often neglected perhaps because we were just too busy to notice.
"The mind creates the abyss and the heart crosses it," says Sri Nisaragadatta.
This course is a training in taking micro-pauses from our busy modern lives to arrive right at where we are and realize our belonging and interconnectivity.
The tools and techniques I convey are among the most widespread ancient knowledge of healing and insight known in our world today.
This course is inspired by the teachings from my teachers Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield (USA), with whom I certified as a mindfulness teacher in January 2023.
"Nature loves rhythms. Nature exists in rhythms, and the rhythm of making a regular visit to yourself each day is a real gift to your heart and spirit. Let your intention be to just come, establish yourself in the posture and tend to be present. And know that it's really an offering that can profoundly wake up your being." Tara Brach
Every Tuesday starting on 2.5.22, from 19-20:30 CET.
Last session on Tuesday 20.6.23
Every session consists of:
- a talk on various aspects of mindfulness and embodied presence,
and how they can be brought into our daily lives
- guided practices
- moments of shared reflections and questions
Only upon registration via the contact formular prior to 23.4.23
Please do only sign up if you can participate at least 6 out of 8 sessions.
FEE: 150 €
A few scholarships are available to people with financial difficulties.
To apply for a scholarship mention it in the contact formular.